Category Archives: NEW Level 1-3 Digital Technologies Resources




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NEW Level 1-3 Digital Technologies Resources





New resources for L1 standards being assessed from 2024.

We now have two sets of resources using different contexts for 92005 and 92007
• Survey Analysis and Designing an Infographic
• Designing and Building a Computer
They can be taught and assessed separately or as a pair

AS 92004 (DT 1.1 -5 credit internal)

Create a computer program

These comprehensive self-teaching notes teach students to program in Python, with multiple tasks on the way to check progress, plus larger tasks at the end readying students for the actual assessment. The resource also contains the assessment, model answers, marking schedule and notes for teachers.

Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 92005 (DT 1.2 -5 credit internal)

Develop a digital technologies outcome – Survey Analysis

In this resource students create a digital outcome using a combination of an online survey form and a linked spreadsheet to summarise the data collected from the responses. Students need a Google account and then can access the free apps used for the tutorial

Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 92005 (DT 1.2 -5 credit internal)

Develop a digital technologies outcome – Build a computer

In this resource students learn about computer hardware components and operating systems and software that can be installed on a computer. They then build a computer from a “parts bin”’, which could be first created by dismantling an existing computer. They then install Windows, a printer and applications. After the computer has been tested by the student and a nominal end user, they then install enhancements and test again.

Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 92006 (DT 1.3 -5 credit external)

Demonstrate understanding of usability in human-computer interfaces

This comprehensive resource helps students to understand the required background material and shows them how to go about responding to the CAT. Further additions will be made to this resource in 2024 once NZQA release past exam papers – the update will be promptly sent free of charge to purchasers. This resource has nothing in common with the notes for the previous standard.

Self-Teaching Notes including assessment guide ($175 plus GST)

AS 92007 (DT 1.4 -5 credit external)

Develop a digital media outcome – Design Infographic

The resource uses Microsoft PowerPoint to produce a range of designs for an infographic and to exchange feedback on these designs. Recommended that 92005 is completed before 92007 as the output from 92005 can be used to provide content for the designs produced for 92007, but this is not essential.

Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 92007 (DT 1.4 -5 credit external)

Develop a digital media outcome – Build a computer

These notes will first cover the understanding of computer hardware and components.
With the notes for 1.2 92005 students built a computer from available parts. These notes instead cover how to design a computer for a specified user. There is no need to have any parts as that is not the intent.
Once students have learnt about computer hardware, the gathering of resources will begin. The aim of this is to gain the necessary images for the assessment and for the students to have the understanding to answer the questions in the External assessment. They only have a small number of hours to complete the external.

Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)





AS 91890 (DT 2.1 – 6 credit internal)
Can be used with a L2 external

Conduct an inquiry to propose a digital technologies outcome

The notes lead the student to conduct an inquiry, do research and analyse the results. The resource should be used alongside another level 2 standard from 2.2 to 2.10.

Resource Notes ($120 plus GST)

AS 91890 (DT 2.1 – 6 credit internal)
For use with a 2.7 91896 (Programming)

Conduct an inquiry to propose a digital technologies outcome

The notes lead the student to conduct an inquiry, do research and analyse the results.  The resource is designed to be used alongside the level 2 programming 2.7 91896.

Resource Notes ($120 plus GST)

AS 91891 (DT 2.2 – 3 credit internal)

Apply conventions to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome

The teaching notes and tutorial are designed to introduce students to the principles and conventions used in the design of websites. Subjects covered include web conventions, usability heuristics, visual hierarchy, naming conventions and web coding conventions for HTML and stylesheets (CSS) as well as the implications involved in website design and development

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 91892 (DT 2.3 – 4 credit internal)

Use advanced techniques to develop a database

As they work through the easy to read tutorial, students learn the necessary skills/knowledge to effectively plan and create a relational database (MS Access) and use it to do queries, create forms, reports, etc. They then use what they have learnt to complete the assessment.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 91893 (DT 2.4 – 4 credit internal)

Use advanced techniques to develop a digital media outcome

This achievement standard covers the development phase of websites. It can be treated as a standalone standard or integrated with the design standard (AS91891). If integrated the design produced in AS91891 can be used as the basis for the website produced in this standard. Subjects covered include HTML and stylesheets (CSS), the use of third-party code libraries and composite effects as well as the implications involved in website design and development.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 91893 (DT 2.4 – 4 credit internal)

Use advanced techniques to develop a digital media outcome

Will be based on Indesign or similar

Available 2021 if sufficient interest

AS 91894 (DT 2.5 – 6 credit internal)

Use advanced techniques to develop an electronics outcome

As the student works through the easy to read tutorial there are a series of theoretical and practical exercises to complete to gain the necessary skills/knowledge. The Arduino IDE is used with the Arduino programming language and TinyCad. There is then an assessment that needs to be completed.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 91895 (DT 2.6 – 4 credit internal)

Use advanced techniques to develop a network

Available 2020 if sufficient interest

AS 91896 (DT 2.7 – 6 credit internal)

Use advanced programming techniques to develop a computer program

This resource is a combined tutorial/assessment. The self-teaching notes are based on Python 3.6 – free to download programming software. As they work through the easy to read tutorial, students learn to use Python and how to apply it to a problem. They then use what they have learnt to complete the
assessment. The assessment could be used with any programming software – is not just Python.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 91897 (DT 2.8 – 6 credit internal)

Use advanced processes to develop a digital technologies outcome

Interest invited but no current completion date

AS 91898 (DT 2.9 – 3 credit external)

Demonstrate understanding of a computer science concept

This comprehensive resource focusing on Encryption helps students to understand the required background material and shows them how to go about responding to the CAT. We also have Error Correction and Computer Security resources.

Self-Teaching Notes including assessment guide ($150 plus GST) 

AS 91898 (DT 2.9 – 3 credit external)

Demonstrate understanding of a computer science concept

This comprehensive resource focusing on Error Correction helps students to understand the required background material and shows them how to go about responding to the CAT. We also have Encryption and Computer Security resources.

Self-Teaching Notes including assessment guide ($150 plus GST) 

AS 91898 (DT 2.9 – 3 credit external)          New

Demonstrate understanding of a computer science concept

This comprehensive resource focusing on Computer Security helps students to understand the required background material and shows them how to go about responding to the CAT.  We also have Encryption and Error Correction resources.

Self-Teaching Notes including assessment guide  ($150 plus GST)

AS 91899 (DT 2.10 – 3 credit external)

Present a summary of developing a digital outcome

This comprehensive resource helps students to understand how to apply material from previous standards attempted and shows them how to go about responding to the CAT. Examples are given for website, print and electronics outcomes.

Self-Teaching Notes including assessment guide  ($150 plus GST)





AS 91900 (DT 3.1 – 6 credit internal)  Available NOW

Conduct a critical inquiry to propose a digital technologies outcome

These notes are designed to be used in conjunction with AS 91906 (3.7), the programming standard.   Comprehensive notes and partial/sample answers are provided to help students get an idea of what is required for a critical inquiry which works in very well with the completion of 3.7.  It could also be used in conjunction with our notes for 91901 (3.2), also focussed on programming.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 91901 (DT 3.2 – 3 credit internal)         

Apply user experience methodologies to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome

These comprehensive notes are designed to be used in conjunction with 91906 (3.7), the programming standard.  It consists of a set of guide notes with partial/sample answers to guide the student and an evaluation check list. It could also be used in conjunction with our notes for 91900 (3.1), also focused on programming.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 91901 (DT 3.2 – 3 credit internal)

Apply user experience methodologies to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome

AS 91901 (DT 3.2 – 3 credit internal)         

Apply user experience methodologies to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome

These teaching notes cover the application of user experience methodologies in developing a design for a website.  For students going on to study for the practical standard AS91903 Use complex techniques to develop a digital media outcome this is a good introduction. The design produced in this assessment could be integrated with AS91901, in which the student goes on to develop the website based on the design.  In addition to standard MS Office software, students are expected to create user flow diagrams and prototype designs. In this tutorial we have used MS Visio to produce the User Flows and a free but fully featured version of the leading prototyping tool Mockplus. Mockplus comes with a free 15-day license and is easy to learn with many first class online tutorials.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 91902 (DT 3.3 – 4 credit internal)  Available NOW

Use complex techniques to develop a database

As they work through the easy to read the tutorial, students learn the necessary skills/knowledge to effectively build a MySQL database, with the complex media outcome is chosen being a dynamic website. These commonly form the backbone of online commerce and include eCommerce websites (online shopping), content management systems (CMS), interactive image galleries, blogs, discussion forums and online databases, so are very relevant. The authoring tool used is the popular text editor Notepad++, but any text editor or specialist web authoring tool can also be used in conjunction with the tutorial. A web server (Apache), database (MySQL/MariaDB) and PHP server-side scripting language are needed, in addition to standard MS Office and image editing software. These allow you to develop and test a dynamic website on a local machine or desktop without needing to go online. Note, the web server, database and PHP are all packaged together in XAMPP which can be downloaded and installed on a student’s PC. This process is straightforward and comprehensive instructions are given. Students then use what they have learnt to complete the assessment.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($325 plus GST)

AS 91903 (DT 3.4 – 4 credit internal) Available NOW

Use complex techniques to develop a digital media outcome

This resource covers the complex concepts of digital media that need to be considered when designing and developing a dynamic website, which are the backbone of online commerce.  The teaching notes give students an opportunity to add a fully functioning front end on the dynamic website developed in the teaching notes provided with our resource for AS91902.  However, for students who have not yet completed AS91902 this tutorial will provide an introduction to some of the complex tools and techniques involved in dynamic websites including scripting to manipulate content (PHP/JavaScript), dynamic data handling and interaction between user and content.  The resource can be used as stand alone for 91903 or in combination with our resource for 91902, skipping some of the material already covered there.  The authoring tool used for this tutorial is Notepad++, but any text editor or specialist web authoring tool can also be used in conjunction with the tutorial.  Students also need a webserver (Apache), database (MySQL/MariaDB) and PHP server-side scripting language to allow them to develop and test a dynamic website on a local machine or desktop without needing to go online.  The webserver, database and PHP are all packaged together in XAMPP which can be downloaded and installed on a student’s PC free – instructions provided.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment  ($325 plus GST)

AS 91903 (DT 3.4 – 4 credit internal)          MOVIE MAKING   New

Use complex techniques to develop a digital media outcome

This resource show students how to use Adobe Premier Pro to create and edit a movie to meet the requirements of this standard.  Note the Adobe Premier Pro is available very a low price for schools and can even be purchased for a short period.  Comes with comprehensive self-teaching notes and an assessment.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 91904 (DT 3.5 – 6 credit internal)

Use complex techniques to develop an electronics outcome

AS 91905 (DT 3.6 – 4 credit internal)

Use complex techniques to develop a network

This resource provides an understanding of how both local and wide area networks work. Students work through the theory then install a fresh operating system on an old desktop or laptop and use it to set up their network.  An old server or a dual-boot or a virtual server could also be used.  Once students have practiced they then sit the assessment which has both theory and practical aspects.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($275 plus GST)

AS 91906 (DT 3.7 – 6 credit internal)  Available NOW

Use complex programming techniques to develop a computer program

The self-teaching notes are based on Python 3.6 but any version 3.0 or more will be fine – free to download programming software. As they work through the easy to read tutorial, students learn to use Python and how to apply it to a problem. They then use what they have learnt to complete the
assessment. The assessment could be used with any programming software – is not just Python.

Combined Self-Teaching Notes and Assessment ($325 plus GST)

AS 91907 (DT 3.8 – 6 credit internal)

Use complex processes to develop a digital technologies outcome

Interest invited but no current completion date

AS 91908 (DT 3.9 – 3 credit external)  Computer Vision

Analyse an area of computer science

This comprehensive resource focusing on Computer Vision helps students to understand the required background material and shows them how to go about responding to the CAT.

Self-Teaching Notes including assessment guide ($150 plus GST)

AS 91908 (DT 3.9 – 3 credit external)  Complexity

Analyse an area of computer science

This comprehensive resource focusing on Complexity and Tractability helps students to understand the required background material and shows them how to go about responding to the CAT.

Self-Teaching Notes including assessment guide ($150 plus GST)

AS 91908 (DT 3.9 – 3 credit external)          Networking

Analyse an area of computer science

This comprehensive resource focusing on Networking helps students to understand the required background material and shows them how to go about responding to the CAT.

Self-Teaching Notes including assessment guide  ($150 plus GST)

AS 91909 (DT 3.10 – 3 credit external)

Present a reflective analysis of developing a digital outcome

This comprehensive resource helps students to understand how to apply material from previous standards attempted and shows them how to go about responding to the CAT. Examples are given for website, print and electronics outcomes.

Self-Teaching Notes including assessment guide  ($175 plus GST)